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Background Music

Better ambience means more customers and better business. With your choice of
music for all situations, we are fully music licensed for PPL and MCPS.

BGM Benefit

Benefit of BGM

Properly deployed, background music helps create the right atmosphere for your business. With Icon™, you can shape that sound by customizing playlists from over 250,000 tracks available on the NSM Music network.


When a business uses quality background music, customers feel more comfortable, stay longer, and spend more. Data shows customers are also more likely to return to a business if it has enjoyable background music.

What You Get

What You Get

With Icon™ Background Music, you get over 250,000 tracks which are available on NSM’s extensive on-line music library. The app will store up to 3,000 songs on your device at a time and includes tools to quickly and easily create custom playlists.


Maintain full control of the system with category and track lockouts. Further customize your background music with multi-string selection combining filters such as genre, decade, etc. The touch and slide user interface makes using the app easy.

Fully Licensed

Fully Licensed

Our background music is fully-licensed through PPL and MCPS, so you rest easy when playing our music in public.


Any business that plays recorded music in public, such as a shop, bar, office, restaurant, gym, community building, not-for-profit organisation – or activities such as dance classes – is legally required to have a PPL and PRS license.

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